About Us!

We are so glad that you chose to visit us… virtually!

Celebrating the Eucharist
Here at First Presbyterian we are a family, and together, we seek to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in this challenging world. Jesus is our foundation for life and living. We hope that you will visit and worship with us and that you sense the comforting presence of God among us. This is a community of faith that can address your spiritual needs, as well as challenge your Christian walk.

As part of the Brandon community, we continue to see numerous opportunities to serve others in Christ’s name. Our facilities serve as a sanctuary for those in recovery, those who are learning, those who need comfort, and those who are seeking fellowship with others. We strive to serve those beyond our walls through mission ventures and partnering with other faith communities and charitable organizations. There are opportunities everywhere!

In His Grace,

Michael McCormack, Pastor

A little more about us…     All who walk through our doors are welcome, as we know that Jesus always had an open heart and deep desire to be with us, regardless of our life circumstances. He meets us where we are, which distinguishes Christianity from all other major faiths in the world. God was willing to be one of us, and He’s never left us alone.

Our Core Values:

+ Accept and embrace all who enter as Christ accepts us (Sharing)
+ Encourage and equip to serve Christ (Serving)
+ Provide opportunities for growth and discipleship (Developing)
+ Offer ministry within, and mission in our community and beyond (Empowering)


See our church in action.

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