Youth Mission Statement: We are people of hope, who serve and accept everyone through our faith in Jesus.
Fun, food, fellowship and faith are the cornerstones of the Youth Ministries at First Presbyterian. Youth gather on Sunday evenings for recreation, dinner and reflection. Open to 6-12 graders.
Youth meet most Sundays from 5:00-6:30.
Youth Space is open on Sundays 8:30am-9:15am It is a time to connect with each other and discover God. They meet in CDC room 201
This team is led by a great team of adult volunteers.
We seek to follow the example set by Jesus, while applying His lessons to our daily lives. We participate in many events that teenagers and students are sure to love during the year.
Church Youth Group Events
- Night of Joy
- Trunk or Treat
- Retreats and Mission Trips
- Picnics
- Christmas Caroling
- Feed the Bay and local mission
- Confirmation Class
- Youth Sunday
- Sign Choir Check out the video
For more information about the Youth Group at First Presbyterian Church of Brandon please contact Laura King at 813-244-2262 or LKing@[email protected]
Our children have many opportunities to be loved and get to know Jesus more. We offer Sunday School. Monthly get togethers, a Summer Vacation Bible Study and other ways your whole family can grow in Faith.

Sunday School Opportunities
Sunday School for kids and youth will be held from 8:30 – 9:15 am.
- Kindergarten through First Grade meet in CDC room 204
- Second Grade through fifth grade meet in CDC room 202
Preschool children will stay in the preschool room by the nursery during the Sunday School hour.
Children’s Worship & Preschool Praise Time during Worship Service
- During the 9:30 worship service immediately after Time
for Young Disciples children preschool through first grade
will be dismissed to Preschool Praise Time located in the
Preschool Room next to the nursery - Children second grade and above will receive Worship
Bags and return to sit with family for the remainder of the
worship service

CJAM Wednesday Nights 4:50-6:15pm
Church Choir & JAM (Jesus & Me ) Voices
CJAM is an exciting opportunity for the children of the church, as well as their friends and neighbors, to participate in two, (not one but TWO!) musical groups.!
Parents may bring their children to the Preschool door where they’ll be led to the bell room to participate in ringing chimes. Following chimes they will join in singing some of the old favorite Sunday School songs as well as new soon-to-be-favorites. At 5:55 they will be escorted to Mauldin Hall to enjoy some pizza and a drink before parental pickup at 6:15. Thus, an evening of musical enjoyment for the children and an hour of free time for the parents!
- 4:50-5:30pm Chime Choir
- 5:30-6pm JAM Voices
- 6:00-6:15pm Pizza Dinner
Faithful Friends
Faithful Friends is our monthly event that brings kids together for a time of fellowship, food, crafts, and games. It is usually a Friday night or corresponds to a holiday. Past events include:
- Trunk or Treat
- Heart Healthy Extravaganza
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Olympic Themed Events
- Advent Adventures

For more information about childrern ministries please contact Lynn Pabst [email protected] or Karen Weber [email protected]