Family Promise Host Week March 9-16

Family Promise Host Week March 9-16

Family Promise Host Week March 9-16

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Our next Host Week for feeding and providing safe overnight housing for Family Promise guest families begins Sunday, March 9 and ends early Sunday morning, March 16.  We need volunteers for various tasks.  Please review the opportunities below and sign up to participate in this wonderful ministry our church supports.  

Dinner Prep Volunteers

Dinner Prep Volunteers will prepare and deliver a meal for our guest families one night only, to be served in our church fellowship hall, Mauldin Hall.  You will be providing a main meal and dessert.  Beverages will be provided by the church.  Meal time is 6:00 pm.  You will have access to the church kitchen to heat the meal and clean up, and plates, napkins, utensils, cups, etc. are provided by the church.  The number of guests always varies and we will contact you by email several days before your designated day to advise

(1) the exact # of guests who will be eating,

(2) their ages and

(3) any dietary restrictions our guests might have.

You are welcome and encouraged to stay and join our guests for dinner if you so desire.

Overnight Hosts:

We need at least 2 adults (ideally one male and one female) to host our guests overnight for each night we are hosting.  You are welcome to bring your whole family with you, children will benefit from learning about the program and understanding the challenges our guest families are facing.  You may wish to arrive and join our guests for dinner in Mauldin Hall at 6:00 pm, or if arriving later we recommend 7:30 to get a nice transition between the dinner volunteers and the overnight volunteers.   Sleep overnight in a private room on the 2nd floor of the Discipleship Hall, help to set out coffee and a light breakfast the next morning, and your mission is then completed to return home by around 7:00 am in the morning.  A roll-away bed is provided; we ask that you bring your own pillow, sheet, and blanket.

Other Opportunities:

There are also opportunities listed below to help with

There are also opportunities listed below

  • Help with room set-up on Sunday, March 9 or
  • Room tear-down on Sunday, March 16
  • Prepare/serve breakfast on Saturday, March 15
  • Prepare breakfast on Sunday, March 16
  • Laundry at the end of the week.


More information is provided in the “comments” section for these opportunities.

Your support of this wonderful mission ministry project is greatly appreciated and will be a blessing to all those touched by your participation.

How to sign up?  Follow these simple steps:

1.  Select the date and task you wish to sign up for in sign up genius, click on the orange rectangle where it says “sign up.”

2.  Go to the bottom of the page and click on the box that says “save and continue”

3.  Fill in your information on the next screen, and click on the box on the screen that says “SIGN UP NOW.”  And you are all done!

Questions:  Please contact Diana Pollard at 813-381-8119 or email [email protected]  In the event Diana is unavailable, you may contact Terrie Morrison at 813-727-8861 or [email protected].

Have you ever wondered … does our support of Family Promise really make difference?


  • In the first four months of 2024 Family Promise successfully transitioned five families from homelessness into their own safe, affordable housing complete with furnishings and start-up household supplies
  • assisted three additional families with interim support, education and assistance moving them closer to self-sufficiency,
  • assisted ten other families with various needs
  • responded to an average of 350 phone calls each month
  • provided gas cards for twelve families
  • relocated one family to Oklahoma
  • provided critically important resource information to countless callers and walk-in clients.

So, are we making a difference? YES!

Can you make a difference? YES!

Go to our Signup Genius site and see how you can help with our next Family Promise Host Week.



Date And Time

Sunday, March 9, 2025 to
Sunday, March 16, 2025



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